Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday Monday

My microwave is possessed!!!!!!!!!! Even without entering a time and pushing start it turns itself on. In fact can't turn it off. Add to that even though it is on it isn't heating up anything. GRRRR!!!!!! So this is a definite monkey in the wrench for the day. Yesterday the temperature hit 105, I am NOT trying to turn on anything with heat today. But that is okay I have a plan. 
Fudge on a STICK!!!!!!!! So since microwave is on crack. No worries I know how we're going to do things and NOT have to turn on oven. For lunch I'll make more tuna salad for sandwiches. For supper tonight I'll heat up Father's Day leftovers in the toaster over. For supper tomorrow night I'll heat up the pizza casserole that I made in the crock-pot via the crock-pot. Brilliant, you shall not defeat me you demonic microwave.
Well of course that would have been to perfect.
I go to make the tuna salad. Sigh no mayonnaise. I already promised Saxon he wouldn't have to go to Wally-World today, since he is going to do the 2 mile round trip to pick his brother up from school. I cannot eat tuna salad without mayo. GRRR... Okay plan B. Move tonight's supper up to lunch, and tomorrow's supper up to tonight's supper. This means I'll have to cook tomorrow but hey at least not today.
Heating up Patrick's plate first, to try and time with when he gets his lunch hour. Take his plate out of the toaster oven, transfer to a clean plate. Use his plate to heat up my lunch. Go to remove plate from toaster over the plate is now in two pieces. What the heck? Why did my ceramic plate decide to break? It can't be that it was too hot, hello the corn on the cob was still ice cold to the touch.

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